• Philosophy


    Any place in the world.

    The ''garden (niwa in Japanese'' responds to the four seasons,

    The ''niwa'' is the stage that represents the time of the climate


    Plants sprout,

    The way the branches and leaves grow and flourish,

    sometimes like a group dance.


    The garden becomes a ''stage'' that is closest to everyday life.


    MUMU is committed to the creation of such a garden,

    MUMU/HANEI-ENGEISHA is working to create such a space.








    MUMU is a garden art company,

    which isrun by landscape architect Yosuke Kuramochi.


    With the concept of "creating a garden as a stage for living,"

    we design and construct gardens for ordinary houses, design plantings for facilities,

    propose landscape plans, and plan workshops.


    We design and construct gardens mainly in the Toshin area of Nagano Prefecture

    (Tomi-city, Ueda-city, Karuizawa, Miyota-machi, Saku-city, and Komoro-city).


    We offer consultation on garden design, design, and construction.


    We also offer consultation and planning services for landscaping and garden construction

    outside of Nagano Prefecture.

    Currently, projects are underway in Niigata, Kanagawa, Ehime, and Hokkaido.


    Please feel free to contact us even if you are outside of the prefecture.



  • Member

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    MUMU ENGEI-SHA Representative

    Gardener and landscape architect


    In 2008, he joined Wacoal Art Center Inc. Responsible for planning and production of various art projects, art fairs, exhibitions, performing arts, and space management at ZOU-NO-HANA Terrace in Yokohama, Kanagawa and Spiral, a cultural complex in Minami Aoyama, Tokyo After leaving the company in 2019, he toured gardens in Japan and abroad. After returning to Japan, he trained at a landscape architecture office, and established MUMU ENGEI-SHA in June 2020. (Obtained second class exterior planner, assistant second class landscaping construction management engineer)

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    [support member] 


    藤田 ハルノ HARUNO FUJITA 

    Communication Manager


    She is the president of TexT. After working for a bank and consulting firm, studied business design at a graduate school in Milan, Italy in 2015. After returning to Japan, she has worked as a facilitator for companies, running workshops on organizational climate, such as team building and creating corporate statements. Currently, she is expanding her focus to individuals, offering sessions to unravel relationships and issues.






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    The character "橆 mu" in our name comes from the way we Japanese traditionally

    pray for rain and a bountiful harvest.

    It also means that plants will sprout vigorously.


    And in ancient times, ''にわ niwa(garden)'' were made to the gods, and people, animals, and plants danced together.


    We believe that "にわ niwa(garden)" is a place that lightly connects everyday life and extraordinary life, men and women, the city and nature, and all other dichotomies, and wraps them up in a circle of circulation,


    MUMU ENGEI-SHA creates gardens as the "stage" closest to people's daily lives, and a place where people's imagination and nature's creations are connected.



    Logo design by SEKIGAWA KOHEI






    名称:MUMU / 橆々園藝社




    主宰:倉持 陽介





    住所:〒389-0501 長野県東御市新張奈良原1848